Non-GMO vs. Organic; What You Need To Know.

Some Key Benefits of Organic over Non-GMO.

I. Introduction

Lets talk about choosing animal feeds (and grain for human consumption) and the different agricultural production methods which are used; conventional, Non-GMO & Organic. I am going to show you why we choose to feed our animals (and ourselves) organic food. If you want to see what products we have to offer, click here.

Conventional vs Non-GMO vs Organic Sign

II. Definitions


The vast majority of crops are grown conventionally, that is to say where the focus is on maximizing yield and lowering the cost of production with little consideration for the environmental and health consequences. Conventionally grown crops see extensive use of synthetic chemicals including fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

Conventional Tractor Spraying


A significant portion of the crops grown today are Non-GMO. The standard, which is not regulated by the government, but is independently verified by the Non-GMO Project, requires that less than 1% of the food product contains genetically modified ingredients. For animal feed the limit is raised to 5 percent.

In-general for crops this simply means no genetically modified seeds are used to plant the crop. Otherwise, the crops can be grown in a conventional manner. Meaning there are no restrictions on the use of synthetic chemicals or land management practices such as tillage or other farming practices.


A growing proportion of crops are grown using the USDA Organic Certification.
The certification restricts the use of:

  • Synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.
  • GMO’s
  • Antibiotics
  • Growth hormones
  • Roundup
  • Sewage sludge
  • Artificial colors, flavors or preservatives

And promotes:

  • Wildlife
  • Biodiversity
  • Animal and human health
  • Soil fertility
Organic Vegetables

III. Only Real Difference Between Conventional & Non-GMO

There is only 1 real difference between crops grown using conventional methods and those that are Non-GMO, and that is the use of GMO seed. In addition, one of the claimed benefits of using GMO seed is a reduction in the need for herbicides. This suggests that Non-GMO crops may see heavier use of herbicides and pesticides than those which are conventionally grown.

IV. Why is Non-GMO Important?

The use of GMO’s is a controversial topic. They are used in crops mainly to increase pest and disease resistance, which sounds like a great thing, but nothing comes without it’s costs. We do not really understand the long-term costs associated with the use of GMO;s whether in the environment or how they may effect human health.

V. Avoiding GMO’s

There are several ways to avoid GMO’s:

  • Purchase foods with do not contain crops that are approved for GMO production.
  • Buy Non-GMO project verified products.
  • Buy Organic products.

Here is a list of the crops which can be produced using GMO’s:

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Cotton
  • Canola
  • Potato
  • Papaya
  • Summer Squash
  • Alfalfa
  • Apple
  • Sugar Beet
  • Pink Pineapple
  • Eggplant
  • Salmon

VI. But What About All the Chemicals?

Avoiding GMO’s is a wonderful thing, but buying products which are either not able to be grown using GMO’s, or are Non-GMO verified, does noting to get away from all the nasty synthetic chemicals found in our foods. The only way to do this is by purchasing organic products.

Chemicals in a Beaker

VII. Big Benefits Of Organic

Farming using organic methods does not just mean that the system is free of GMO’s and synthetic chemicals, it means that the environmental and animal welfare implications are at the forefront. In order to grow crops without all the man-made crutches, the farmer must work with nature. This means that they must implement practices which promote biodiversity, water quality and soil health.

Foods which are grown using organic methods have been shown to be higher levels of some nutrients. Antioxidants and some flavonoids levels, which have antioxidant properties, have been shown to be higher in foods produced using organic vs conventional methods.

In animals which are raised using organic methods, Omega-3 fatty acids levels have been shown to be higher which is good for heart health and decreasing inflammation. In addition, toxic metal levels have been shown to be lower in grains grown organically along with lower levels of pesticide residues.

VIII. Conclusion

If your goal is to just avoid GMO’s that selecting products which do not contain ingredients that are allowed to be grown using GMO’s or selecting Non-GMO verified products it the way to go.

But if your goal is to avoid many of the nasty synthetic chemicals which are so prevalent in our food system today, than buying organic foods is by far the best, and only real option.